Loovustunnid lastele alates 6-kuust kuni 6-aastastele koos lastevanematega.
Laupäeviti kell 10:30-11.30 (eesti, inglise, portugali keeles)
Loovustund aitab lapsel arendada oma meeli ja oskusi, uurides, luues, katsetades, õppides ja avastades uusi asju.
See annab lapsele võimaluse näidata, kuidas ta maailma näeb ja kuidas ta seda tunnetab. Tegevuseks kasutame loodusmaterjale ja looduslikke toiduvärve.
Igal loovustunnil on erinev teema.
Sensory themed Educational messy play/all languagea are welcome.
Age category:
From 6 months sitting until 6 years old, we had siblings of 8 that also enjoyed it very much.
We hold sessions every Saturday – Sat 10.30– 11.30
The playgroup lasts for 1 hour and at the end we always have a bubble shower to announce it.
Duration: Messy Play/ all languages are welcome !
We provide themed messy + sensory play, group time and more – it’s learning through play, developed by qualifi ed Educators.
Sensory play helps the kids to develop and learn while they are playing.
Each session has a diff erent theme allowing our little messy makers to make real-world connections to the activities they are playing with. They are carefully designed to sparkle kids interest to build + improve their fi ne & gross motor skills, encourages problem solving, team work and cognitive development.
We can also bring Messy Makers to your next party, mother’s group, corporate event or incursion. Head the our Instagram DM (&volpe?toys) for more info.